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Grief and Loss


Grief and Loss – A short video I put together for a grief group I ran at my school. The song is from the band Leeland and is called “Brighter Days”. If you enjoy it please leave a comment. Thanks!


Dana Milbank: The five stages of election-loss grief

Filed under: grief loss

Before arriving at acceptance, Republicans must go through another stage of grief unique to political loss: an extended period of finger-pointing known as the recriminations phase. Only after this period of excuses is it possible to arrive at the plain …
Read more on Post-Bulletin


The psychology of grieving for your pet

Filed under: grief loss

Once pet bereavement is understood as being psychologically equivalent to other types of loss, pet owners should know that grief is expected and should follow the same course. “Grief should improve with time,” says Bragg. “A good rule is that if two …
Read more on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


Hospice offers grief workshops to public

Filed under: grief loss

A special workshop, created and hosted by Hospice Care Plus, is designed to help participants learn how to cope with the holiday season when they are grieving the loss of a loved one. The workshops will be conducted on Nov. 14 and 15 in Richmond.
Read more on Richmond Register