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Eating Disorder Treatment Often Crucial to Recovery From Overeating, Weight Loss Surgery


Eating Disorder Treatment Often Crucial to Recovery From Overeating, Weight Loss Surgery – Timberline Knolls Medical Director Dr. Kimberly Dennis, MD, discusses eating disorders that are often not diagnosed by doctors or therapists, such as food addiction, compulsive overeating disorders, and binge eating disorder. Like anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and body dysmorphic disorders, over eating disorders are serious diseases with their own signs and symptoms, and course of eating disorder treatment. Patients seeking gastric bypass, gastric banding, or other weight loss surgery options to deal with obesity often miss out on the need for psychiatric care to address the emotions associated with an eating disorder. Dr. Dennis and the team of physicians, counselors and dietitians at Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center are experts in treating women and girls with a full spectrum of eating and body image disorders. Timberline Knolls provides holistic treatment to every woman, and its treatment program is well-suited to women who suffer with substance abuse or co-occurring disorders, in addition to an over eating disorder. Learn more at


Eating disorder treatment crisis

Filed under: eating disorders rehab

With eating disorders having the highest mortality rate of any mental illness (chronic anorexia has a mortality rate of 15 to 20 per cent), they're an essential part of treatment, Morgan says. There are more dedicated hospital beds for both adults and …


Should insurers cover eating disorder treatment?

Filed under: eating disorders rehab

There's a rising call for insurers to boost their coverage of eating disorders, including anorexia and bulimia, as lobbying groups work to raise awareness and potentially mandate such coverage. "Despite being biologically based mental illnesses with …
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