How Often Does Someone in a Psych Ward See a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist?
Question by aaa: How often does someone in a psych ward see a psychologist and a psychiatrist?
I’m considering voluntary inpatient treatment because I’ve been struggling with various psychological disorders and the “treatment” I’ve received has been so spaced out due to extremely overbooked doctors. I usually am able to meet with a psychologist once every 2-3 weeks and a psychiatrist once every month and a half.
In this trial – and – error process, I feel like I need to meet with someone more often. Would I see doctors more often at a ward / how often does the average ward let you see doctors?
Best answer:
Answer by Gabe
Each time ive been in a psychiatric ward i would see my psychiatrist every single day monday – friday usually at 10:30am
Toss that yeyo is wrong. Agreed that state hospitals have much more people to accomadate, yet every hospital has a psychiatric ward and access to psychiatrists, therapists, nurses, and counselors, every single day.
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