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Celebration of Couples Non-Profit Marriage and Relationships


Celebration of Couples Non-Profit Marriage and Relationships – Royal Oak Michigan marriage counselors Jesse and Melva Johnson are hosting their annual Celebration of Couples fundraiser to help provide free and low-cost marriage counseling to couples in the Michigan area.


Cost of Weddings Hindering Couples

Filed under: cost marriage counseling

To address this issue of separation, Cruz said that the Catholic Church should come up with more effective catechesis on marriage and improve the pre-Cana (counseling before marriage), Cana (preaching about marriage on the occasion of the wedding), …
Read more on Manila Bulletin


In intimate relationship, stubbornness has steep costs

Filed under: cost marriage counseling

Either way, I suggest individual counseling to help both of you learn more productive ways to communicate when you're upset. In an intimate relationship, there are steep costs to an unwillingness to admit you're wrong: It damages your credibility …
Read more on Washington Post