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Can’t Stop Crying, “I Don’t Want to Be Alive Anymore”?

Question by ElizabethBea: Can’t stop crying, “I don’t want to be alive anymore”?
My mom is suffering from severe depression. She has a counselor and a psychiatrist; she is taking effexor (not sure of the exact dose, but it’s twice a day and it’s a lot). The she thyroid problems, she is a diabetic, and she just recently got put on high blood pressure medication. She has also been prescribed valium, xanax, and ambien.

She tells me she can’t stop crying and I know she isn’t okay. Recently her psychiatrist upped her effexor even more (about a month ago) and it hasn’t gotten even better, and I would even seen that it’s worse. She never gets out of bed, she doesn’t want to eat (which being a diabetic is dangerous in itself), and it’s really just getting bad. She straight up told me, her daughter, that she “doesn’t want to be alive anymore” and that “the reason [she] would never do anything to [herself] is because it’d hurt [me].”

This is not okay, and I think the effexor could just way too much or something. ME and my grandma have told her that we think she is suicidal. So I told her to call the psych immediately and try something else cos obviously this ain’t helping and after talking to him and her counselor they think it’s just “GRIEF.” WTF
What the hell do I do?
When you lose someone, if you spend months in bed and say “I don’t wanna be alive anymore” THAT ISN’T NORMAL GRIEF.

What do I do? I feel like I’m the crazy one here for implying that the medicine is making her suicidal.

-sorry that was practically a novel-

Best answer:

Answer by K S
Hmmm the medicine can have that effect the dose might have to be lowered,but I don’t trust anti depressants either because my mom had to take them and she would sleep for hours and always have lack of energy.

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