Where to Get Information About Topic I Am Trying to Reseach. ( Court Oriented Counseling)?
Question by starway48: Where to get information about topic i am trying to reseach. ( Court oriented Counseling)?
Hellow. I am doing a reseach, called “Court oriented Counseling”. What i mean. In US, for example, psychotherapy, can be assigned to the person or to a group of people, for instance, who broke the law. Usually, this form of punishment or treatment, is appointed by the court. In Russia, however, this practice, taking place a little or not spread at all. My questions
There can i find information about the history of this question (who was first, who offered this) in US?
The steps of the developing of this idea.
Legislation about this (in which cases, it can be offered as a form of punushment or it is substitutes), in US.
Examples ot cases.
And any more about all of this.
Thank you very much for your help.
Best answer:
Answer by K-Pax
Google…or try a psychological online reserachs site
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