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Maxim’s “Unsexiest Women” List. How Stupid Can They Be?

Question by dry hands: Maxim’s “Unsexiest Women” list. How stupid can they be?
I know the list was unveiled kind of a while ago, but I just felt like saying something about it now.

How can Maxim be so stupid to create such a list? I mean, first young girl fans are pressured into being skinny and beautiful and, as we all know, the fashion industry has had horrible effects on them. Now, some of the women these young girls look up to are being called ugly! What kind of message is being sent out to girls? I don’t know all of the women listed, but Madonna and Sara Jessica Parker aren’t ugly. If young girls look up to celebrities like those to, and then their idols are being called ugly, what’s that saying to the girls?

I hope Maxim’s received a lot of hate mail for being so ignorant (and I like Madonna anyways lol). It’s crap like this that pressures girls into harmful eating habits and depression.

Anyone agree?

Oh and before I get any “you’re overreacting” answers, I’m not. I don’t think that, because of this one article in a magazine, every girl is going to go anorexic. I’m just saying that stuff like this should really stop. It’s cruel and disgusting.
And I also know this has nothing to do with GBLT. I just wanted it posted here.

Best answer:

Answer by piogler
wel the message is even if your skinny its not what matters. they are rating these women on things they’ve done and how they act

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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