Help Im Crying?
Question by cassieknows77: Help Im crying?
I can’t take it anymore, the rudeness, the yelling and cursing at the smallest things from my parents. I wish so much I could be with my real mom =(
CPS has ruined my life I blame them for everything, well my granny too since she told CPS mom was abusing us b/c she h8s my mom LIAR
My adopted parents are like living demons sometimes- sure they can be nice when they WANT something or are just in a good mood. See, their quite old. Anyway they always threaten to un-adopt was all “you need counseling” so here i am, going to a therapist for the past month-hasn’t helped she even said i might be BIPOLAR..whatever!!
='( im so nice to them i do things for my A.parents, masage feet, etc EVERYTHING I tell them because if I say no to massaging feet or something its just like “YOUR GROUNDED, YOU KNOW, IF I WAS YOU I WOULD BE PRAISING MY PARENTS AND BEING GRATEFUL!”
I don’t understand its THEM that may be bipolar- they are SOO nice to grownups. But not me. Its their way or cry.
Best answer:
Answer by Theels
just dont pay any attention to them sweetheart
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