Drug Addiction……..Cocaine………..?
Question by swtgretchen: Drug addiction……..Cocaine………..?
A “friend” and her boyfriend started out using about 1 1/2 years ago. They finally have decided to quit but it’s really hard. They tried the stay away from everyone that does it and the disassociate themselves with all, but to no avail the friends they did have that didn’t do it now do and sell on top of it. They were there “support” and there aren’t any NA places around here just AA. They are slowly losing everything and I want to help, they can’t “go away for 30 or 60 days” because they have children. What other options?
I have heard there is actually a shot you can get that makes you sick to your stomach if you do it after the shot, rumors true??
sounds like a great idea, although just said “the few friends they did have are now doing the drugs and selling them” anymore bright ideas?
ummm and have YOU even been hooked on cocaine, your rigth even though you see your entire world crumbling around you, you don’t want to stop. The drug makes you numb inside so you don’t have to care.
Best answer:
Answer by melvinschmugmeier
One option is for them to appoint someone using a power of attorney to manage their finances and pay their bills. If they don’t have any money to pay for the drugs, then they can’t really get them without hiding some money [if that’s the case, then they don’t really want to quit.]
What do you think? Answer below!
Drug Addiction Support – Drug addicts can attest to the horrible experience they have gone through to free themselves from the clutches of drug addiction, CJmjILt6Ml. It would be impossible for anyone to go through such unpleasant experience without the help and support of other people. Drug addiction support is important because it gives drug addicts the strength to overcome the disease and stay clean after receiving treatment. Drug addiction support comes in many forms, but all of them are equally crucial for lasting recovery. For More Info Visit : drug-addiction-support.com
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