Please Help! My Sis’s Boyfriend?
Question by walksideways: Please help! My sis’s boyfriend?
My sister is dating this guy who:
-Went to jail for 6 mos for theft (said he didnt do it)-was let out 1 yr ago (supposedly he stole from this guy he thought owed him money)
-Has a DUI right now
-Failing all his classes
-Very slow from drug abuse (says he doesnt anymore)
-Has to pay a lot of money every month for beating up this girl and her car with his ex-wife (says he didnt do it)
-discharged from the army (for letting someone live with him-he says)
-etc etc
My family doesnt want him dating her. I dont think hes that awful of a guy but that he makes bad decisions, often because he isnt smart enough to think them out.
She is smart and in college (3/4 done), shes 21, hes 25, but she has made many bad choices on ex boyfriends (we have restraining orders against one).
She keeps telling us that we are being judgmental against him and that we should ‘love him’ because she does.
I dont know what to say to her and I am disappointed because I feel she is going to get hurt. I dont want her to force her to make any decision but I do want her to think more about her decisions and stop being so controlled by her emotions. What can I say to help this situation? My parents made her go to “Christian counseling” which didnt help at all. (Im not Christian so I suppose there might be some bias there) Please help!!!
I know this isnt the most religious/spiritual question but its important and I usually get a lot of interesting/good replies on this board.
Yes, Alex Ive said all these things to her. No effect. Still just says “Im being judgmental, I dont know him” and to butt out.
Best answer:
Answer by Tetro
Jesus…. yeah…
Tbh this sounds like a relationship based on one thing: Badboy and goodgirl combo. They never workout because the goodgirl will always be subservient to the badboy and will probably end up making excuses for why she suddenly keeps running into doors.
Either that or this is a relationship based completely on sex. If he’s that good – and I doubt he is – tell her he aint worth it, and that there are larger fish in the sea.
This really isn’t a good answer. Dont pick this.
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