Online Mental Health Support Resources
Online Mental Health Support Resources – I want to share these resources with you since they have provided me with so much support. mental health community forums and chat: ————————————————————————————————– Read Mental Health for the Digital Generation vlog on America’s Mental Health Channel
PTSD: Know the symptoms and when to get help
Filed under: mental health support
Editor's note: Dr. Charles Raison, CNNhealth's mental health expert, is an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Arizona in Tucson. (CNN) — The brain is by far the most complex thing that we know of in the universe. And yet, for all …
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Mental health support in Wales criticised
Filed under: mental health support
The Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) has criticised the support offered to mental health patients in Wales saying some feel coerced into treatment. It also found outdated consent forms, security breaches and patients not being made aware of their …
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The mental health equivalent of CPR
Filed under: mental health support
Fortunately, there is a new training program that can help all of us to know what to do when we see someone showing the warning signs of mental distress. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a novel, evidence-based public education program that teaches …
Read more on The Somerville News