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R&P: Can You Name Any Concept Albums That Have Sequels/take Place in More Than One Part?

Question by : R&P: Can you name any concept albums that have sequels/take place in more than one part?
Here are all the concept album series I can think of:

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars –> Aladdin Sane – David Bowie… Although not a direct sequel to the first album, Aladdin Sane is basically a story within a story.

Alice Cooper Goes to Hell –> From the Inside – Alice Cooper… There was another album that was released in between these two, but Alice Cooper has stated that “Goes to Hell” was basically a series of confessions, one of which was his addiction to alcohol… The album in between he wrote before he got treatment… “From the Inside” was written about his time in an mental ward when he was getting treatment for his addiction to alcohol.)

Turn the Radio Off –> Why Do They Rock So Hard? –> We’re Not Happy ’til You’re Not Happy – Reel Big Fish… Again, there was an album released between the second and third albums, but Aaron Barrett (lead singer of Reel Big Fish) said they only released that album because they had to. He has also stated that the story takes place in three parts that mimic their career. The first being a band rising to fame, the second being about being famous and hating it, and the third being about getting bored with fame and becoming old and jaded.

Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death) –> Mechanical Animals –> Antichrist Superstar – Marilyn Manson… These albums were released in the opposite order that the story is told, and before Holy Wood came out, Manson had said that the Mechanical Animals was a sequel to Antichrist Superstar, and not a prequel. But after Holy Wood was released, Manson changed it saying that Holy Wood was about building up a revolution, Mechanical Animals was about how that revolution got turned into a product, and that Antichrist Superstar was about hating what the revolution had become and destroying it to start all over again.

Machine: The Machines of God –> Machina II: The Friends and Enemies of Modern Music – The Smashing Pumpkins

Brutal Planet –> Dragontown – Alice Cooper… While he has said that the two albums are not related, it sure seems that way. I’ll let you all decide.

Year of the Black Rainbow –> The Second Stage Turbine Blade –> In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 –> Good Apollo, I’m Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madess –> Good Apollo, I’m Burning Star IV, Volume Two: No World for Tomorrow – Coheed and Cambria… While all of these albums came out before Year of the Black Rainbow, it is a prequel to the rest of the story.

Epica –> The Black Halo – Kamelot

The Divine Conspiracy –> Design Your Universe – Epica

The Fame –> The Fame Monster – Lady GaGa

Hate Culture –> Noir – William Control

Heliocentric –> Anthropocentric – The Ocean

Best answer:

Answer by John K
Paul Kantner/Jefferson Starship (1970) – Blows Against the Empire was reprised as Paul Kantner – Planet Earth Rock and Roll Orchestra (1983). Kind of a continuation of the story, but like most sequels, the second one was a dud. The first is still a classic.

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Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center – 30 – 40 Beers per day video – Steve was known by first name at all the liquor stores he finally makes the decision to get help because his family would not stay in his life. He was embarassed, he was like an epileptic he was scared to stop.