9/25 Getting Into Debt Through Cocaine Use
9/25 Getting into debt through cocaine use – From www.knowdrugs.net “Not Keith” is a London taxi driver. His alcoholic father died when he was 12, but that didn’t stop him becoming a heavy drinker. The day he discovered cocaine he thought all his prayers had been answered. In this honestly told narrative, Not Keith shares his views and experiences with a range of drugs.
Tom Maynard was high on drugs and alcohol before accident: Police
Filed under: cocaine addiction recovery
Dr Rosa Cordero, a specialist who examined a sample of his hair, also found that Maynard was a complete drug addict. "He was a user of MDMA, ecstasy and a regular user of cocaine by the deceased in the three and a half months prior to the deat," she said.
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Kick the Habit, Congress
Filed under: cocaine addiction recovery
What if there was a really smart, knowledgeable, innovative guy who had dreams of curing cancer or writing a bestselling novel or recording an acclaimed album, but couldn't do any of the above because of a crippling cocaine addiction? Similarly …
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Man trying to steal jacket in Norwich was found with cocaine worth £1000 in …
Filed under: cocaine addiction recovery
A man caught trying to steal a jacket from B&Q, in Hall Road, Norwich, was found to have cocaine with a street value of more than £1,000 hidden in his car, a court heard. Email; Print. To send a link to this page to a friend, you must be logged in …
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